Labour Law Compliance
We know your HR compliance risk and we manage your risk.

The enterprise that operates businesses in Cambodia must comply with Cambodian labor law. According to labor law, it is required an organization to register, ongoing updates, and report related to its organization, and its employee changes, which follow the cycle timeline from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training. Non-complied with Cambodian Labour law can lead organizations to audits, lawsuits, and financial penalties.
Meet our experts to consult about your issues and challenges. We are ready to provide practical approaches to comprehensive statutory compliance to ensure your business is fully complied with and make a stress-free on compliance matters.
Our services include:
Declaration of the Opening and Closing of the Enterprise
Enterprise Log Book Registration
Payroll Book or Payroll via Computer System Registration
Declaration on the movement of personnel
Internal Rule Registration
Acknowledgement Letter of Shop Steward
Health Certificate Certification
Cambodian Employment Book (Workbook)
Foreigner Work Permit
Annual Foreigner Quota Requisition
Foreigner Employment Contract Registration
Over Time Requisition
Apprenticeship Registration
Compliance Audit
NSSF Registration